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Take the CAACONAA "Dad Campout" Challenge for your kids this April. We challenge all Dads to set up a tent at home for a father/child campout at least one night this month! 


Camp in your backyard, living room or walk-in closet. Make a fort with cushions, blankets and chairs, or set up the pup tent in front of the couch (no stakes in the carpet please).  


Camp CAACONAA is meant to encourage one-on-one time with your child. If you have multiple kids, plan to do it over several nights so everybody gets their CAACONAA time with Dad.  


CAACONAA stands for “Come As A Child Or Not At All” which means Dad gets to be a kid too! It also means you’ll experience opportunities to connect emotionally, physically and spiritually.


CONNECT EMOTIONALLY: During your tent time, ask your child these three questions.  


  • Is there anything important you've been thinking about lately? (They probably have questions about COVID-19 and haven't had an opportunity to ask... reassure them.)  

  • What are 2 things that make you feel safe? 

  • What fun thing would you like to do with our family this month? (Find a creative way to make it happen). 

CONNECT PHYSICALLY: Physical touch is an important "love language" kids yearn for. Hold hands. Hug. Give a piggy-back ride. High five. Wrestle. The more physical attention they get from you, the less they’ll seek it elsewhere.


CONNECT SPIRITUALLY: Talk about friends, family, and situations they may be dealing with. Then pray together, asking God for His guidance and providence.


Keep it simple and make it fun. Enjoy your favorite card game or a movie inside your tent. 


We then challenge you to post a fun campout photo and your story on social media. Tag #dadcampout to show your support and join the Camp CAACONAA Facebook group for more father/child fun. 


Forward the challenge to other Dads and remind them to connect well with their kids too.


And don’t forget… Come As A Child, Or Not At All!


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